Meri Robinson
Meri Robinson is a Title I Instructional Technology Specialist for Prince George’s County Public Schools. Meri has over 13 years of experience with developing, implementing and facilitating systemic professional development workshops in computer literacy, computer-assisted instruction and computer software to Principals, teachers, students, and parents. Over the past 2 years Meri has served as the Project Manager for one of the largest 1:1 mobile device implementations expanding across 4 middle schools. This implementation has just been awarded the Apple Distinguished Program. As the lead of the project, Meri Robinson is entrusted to ensure a smooth and successful implementation. To successfully bring together a cutting edge, fast changing, continuous evolving technology such as the iPad and an established educational system all ready in progress on such a large scale requires patience, persistence, vision, discipline, dedication, and commitment. Meri has a dynamic unique leadership style that showcases the creative talents of others and provides an opportunity for them to excel.