Blazing The Trails of Multi-Tiered System of Supports: One District's Journey

Saturday January 30, 2016
9:30 - 10:30 AM
Room 362

Many agree that all students can learn, but what supports are necessary to make this a reality--especially when students learn at different rates? One district’s MTSS (multi-tiered system of supports) journey is leading to transformation across multiple schools. By providing leveled support in both academics and behavior, all students have the opportunity to experience success. Participants will explore the critical components for a successful MTSS implementation model as they learn not only how the district operates, but why. Trail-blazing decisions about assessments, data, behavior, academics, school improvement and more fit together for higher student achievement. Take away ready-to-use resources and web tools to provide more with less.

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multiple tiered system of support, differentiated instruction, using data