English Learners, Title I, and Title III: Purposeful Design and Coordination

Friday January 29, 2016
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Room 371

This session will discuss effective and appropriate uses of Title I & Title III funds for English Learners in order to help districts and schools go beyond compliance and close achievement and opportunity gaps. It is essential that leaders understand how to work in convergence in order to maximize the allowable uses of the federal funds they are charged to administer.  This can be difficult because the context of an expenditure can often determine whether it is allowable or is potentially a violation. This difficulty is compounded exponentially when it comes to allowable expenditures for EL programs using federal funds because Civil Rights legislation requires districts and schools to provide programs for ELs that help them attain English proficiency and access academic content. These same goals are also required under Title I and Title III, which can make it very challenging to use these federal funds and avoid supplanting of the Civil Rights core requirements.


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english learners, program collaboration & coordination