How is Family Engagement Going in Your School? Evaluate Your Program Today
Find out if your Family Engagement Program is as successful as you want it to be. Tools are available in this session for evaluating what and how you’re doing with your program in your school. Then you can ask yourself, is that all there is? What else do you want from your engagement with families? Explore in this workshop more ways to connect with families. Hear from someone, Dr. Joni Samples, who does these kinds of evaluations all over the country as well as a representative, Shancelor Terry, from a school district in the area who is actively engaging multi-ethnic and culturally diverse families with the schools. Come away with ideas for your Family Engagement Program that you can put to immediate use. Join us for a fun, informative, and helpful session.
Download Session Materials
- Evaluation Rubric for Family EngagementSchool.docx
- Family Friendly Schools Alief FAME Initiative handouts.pdf