No More Spaghetti Dinners! Using Academic Parent Teacher Teams to Partner with Families for Student Success

Saturday January 30, 2016
1:00 - 2:00 PM
Room 370

Would you like to increase family engagement at your school? Do you want to help parents build academic vocabulary, understand data, set SMART goals for their child and practice strategies at home? Join us as we share the experiences of three Florida school districts that have implemented Academic Parent Teacher Teams (APTT) in some of their Title I elementary schools. APTT is a structured model for family engagement that has produced academic gains in high-poverty and high English language learner (ELL) schools. The presenters will share data, success stories, common misconceptions about family engagement, and the need to build capacity for parents to help their children meet or exceed challenging state academic standards. Strategies to increase authentic parental engagement in both urban and rural schools will be provided to help school leaders make the paradigm shift from spaghetti dinners and informational meetings to partnering with families to help students learn.

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family engagement, elementary education, title i success stories