Powering Up Technology: A Blueprint for Implementation of RTI

Thursday January 28, 2016
12:45 - 1:45 PM
Room 370

Discover how winning strategies in an online environment can be adapted to differentiate instruction in your classroom! Two experts in the field including the Director of Instruction and Professional Development and the Director of Special Education of a leading network of virtual and blended schools demonstrate how a framework for implementing a multitiered instructional model can meet the needs of all learners through timely intervention. Learn how to implement a multitiered instruction model that provides movement between the tiers and allows teachers to target instruction for each student by increasing the frequency and intensity of the intervention based on students’ responsiveness and learning needs, integrating both academic instruction and behavioral supports - including ongoing progress monitoring using “data points” to provide targeted real time interventions. You will leave this session with critical components for student success!

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differentiated instruction, at-risk populations, multiple tiered system of support