Rami Christophi
Rami Christophi currently works as the Title I Director of the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE). In 2016 he envisioned a family engagement program that is: 1. Self-Sustained 2. Builds capacity for family engagement 3. Responds to the parents' learning needs 4. Cost effective. After an extensive needs assessment, he proposed the Title I Parent Education and Consultation Program. The program has experienced unprecedented success for LACOEs’ model for parental engagement. In less than a year more than 800 families of the highest transient and most at-risk youth in Los Angeles County have participated in workshops, academies, conferences and talks. His vision and audacity shifted the parent involvement activities from a mandate to be complied with, to an authentic and supportive tool that fosters increased academic achievement. Rami has been a teacher, a principal, an administrator and a director servicing for over ten years the most at-risk student and family populations of Los Angeles County. He has applied the spirit of the Title I law to bring about culture shifts in alternative educational settings by faithfully adhering to data to drive the decision-making process.