Rethinking School: Inclusive Education As a Framework to Better Support All Learners

Thursday February 8, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Virtual Room 4

This thought-provoking and inspiring address uses the lessons learned from post-pandemic education as levers for positive change. The pandemic exposed educational inequities and areas of urgent need—and now, schools have a unique opportunity to press pause and reimagine their practices. This session challenges educators to abandon practices that led to disparate outcomes for the most marginalized learners, and instead, embrace inclusive methods of education that better support all students. An inclusive framework for students with disabilities is viewed as a way to better support the system at large by breaking down barriers between systems of general and special education. This session reviews how to “re-story” students to focus on their strengths, redesign instruction to better meet the needs of all learners, and to reimagine education for the potential of what it could be, rather than as it currently exists.

Virtual Workshop
classroom leaders