Kathy Whitmire
Training related to Brain Research and Learning *Post Graduate work with Johns Hopkins University in Mind, Brain, and Teaching *Learning and the Brain Conferences *Concept Based Instruction – Integrating Curriculum and Performance Assessment *Standards in Practice *Clemson University - Susan Kovalich, Brain Research and Teaching *Victoria, BC- Edu Kinesiology and the Brain * Brain Gyms Training *“In Celebration of Neurons” seminar by Dr. Sylwester *Workshop on Strengthening Student Learning by Applying the Latest Research on the Brain to Your Classroom by Marny Sorgen * Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom - A Leadership Academy presented by Thomas Armstrong *Workshop by Susan Kovalich on Brain Compatible Learning “Brain Surgery-Examining the latest findings on the form and function of the Human Brain and Practical Strategies for redesigning classrooms and schools to be more brain compatible” Seminar *Learning Styles Course with Rita Dunn