Susan Hall, Ed.D.
Susan Hall has been invited to present on this topic at 3 significant conferences in the past year. The initial time she made this presentation was by invitation to speak on the topic of Cultivating Literacy Leaders was to serve as the ending keynote for a conference held in PA in June of 2014 for recipients of the Striving Readers grant. Rosemary Bowler from the US DOE department that oversees the grant was in the audience, along with the state directors from the other 5 states to receive Striving Readers' grants. After hearing Dr. Hall's presentation, the director for the state of Texas invited her to speak in September to 80 state employees who serve their Striving Readers' grant recipients. Following that presentation, Dr. Hall was invited to keynote the Texas Summer Institute so that all the school leadership teams could hear this presentation. Dr. Hall has been approached by a publisher to author a book based on the ideas from her work in this area.