How Effective Leadership Supports Bullying Prevention

Thursday January 28, 2016
2:30 - 3:30 PM
Room 362

Schools use a variety of programs to address bullying, but there is underwhelming evidence and consensus as to the most effective prevention programs in the US (Espelage, 2012). Studies consistently report that negative school environmental factors (e.g., policies, staff reaction to bullying) can lead to an increase in the frequency of bullying and reduce the likelihood of students feeling safe in their school (Espelage, Bosworth, & Simon, 2000). Thus, school leadership and staff training is an integral part of bullying prevention. This session will discuss the following: 1) the importance of social-emotional learning as a foundation to bullying prevention; 2) the importance of building leadership in bullying prevention; 3) the difference building staff can make in the prevention of bullying; and 4) highlighting successful leadership and implementation of a bullying prevention program in Title I schools.

effective leaders, professional development, school improvement