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Supporting "Excellence and Equity for ALL" – Diverse Guided Reading Collections

At the K-2 level, most diverse books are "read-to's," but our diverse books are designed for reading instruction and independent reading. We have reviewed hundreds of books and purposefully selected ones that portray children who are underrepresented in their schools' reading materials. In researching the meaning of "diversity" as it pertains to early children's literature, we found no consensus. But educators all agree that children who see themselves in print and with similar life experiences are more likely to become successful and enthusiastic readers. Most titles included in our DIVERSITY collections can be found in Fountas & Pinnell's Booklist now found online. Each collection comes with two lists. One list is arranged by levels. The other list is arranged alphabetically. Word counts are included to assist in book selection and scoring of running records.

This talk was presented at:
National Title I Conference
February 2018 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Carol Levine

Carol Levine has been an educator for more than 30 years. She has been a reading teacher, K–12 teacher, university instructor, reading consultant, and elementary school principal and administrator. Today, she devotes her full attention to the development of SongLake Books. Mrs. Levine has completed specialized training as a reading teacher, working successfully with the very hardest to teach first grade children. She holds an M.S. degree in Early Childhood Education. She holds permanent teaching certifications in New York State for Reading; Nursery, Kindergarten, Grades 1–6; English 7–12 as well as School Administrator and Supervisor.